Making Refrigerator Tetris Easier

Making Refrigerator Tetris Easier- Food & Nutrition Magazine - Kitchen Tools
Photo courtesy of YouCopia

Product reviewed: YouCopia RollOut Fridge Drawers

I cook a lot, both personally and professionally. Some weeks, I receive as many as four grocery deliveries. Food comes in, I cook, food goes out, more food comes in… you get the idea. All this plus the food items that are a mainstay for me and my family need to be organized — drinks, dairy products, nuts, condiments, etc. Refrigerator Tetris is my normal day-to-day.

The YouCopia RollOut Fridge Drawers are adjustable and can easily be rolled forward.Making Refrigerator Tetris Easier - All I can say is, life changing! They come in three different sizes: 6, 8 and 10 inches wide. Depending on what you’d like to organize, I found that one width may be better than another.

Each RollOut Fridge Drawer comes with two removable dividers that can be used to create compartments. There are soft-spinning wheels at the back of each drawer, making it easy to roll the whole thing forward to reach whatever is in the back. Each drawer also has sturdy handles so you can easily carry it between the refrigerator and counter.

I am currently using the drawers to organize and store drinks and dairy products. Canned and bottled beverages. such as seltzer, juice or beer, fit neatly into all the drawer sizes. Dairy products, from yogurt to sour cream and cottage cheese, fit beautifully into the large 10-inch drawer.

For those with children or who just like to have individually wrapped items available, these RollOut Fridge Drawers are a wonderful addition to the refrigerator. You could easily organize fruit and vegetable squeeze packs, fruit cups, string cheese, individual yogurts or cottage cheese and more, making it easy to grab a snack.

I have two produce drawers built into my refrigerator, so am not using the RollOut Fridge Drawers for fruits and vegetables. However, if you need to organize produce, these drawers will do the job well.

You also could use these drawers to organize condiments, leftover containers, bags of nuts or seeds and milk or plant-based milk alternatives. The ideas are pretty limitless — whatever you need to organize in the refrigerator, these YouCopia RollOut Fridge Drawers can make it happen!

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Abbie Gellman
Abbie Gellman, MS, RD, CDN, is a New York City-based registered dietitian and chef. Check out her site and blog and connect with her on Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn.